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Alright, we did sort of go all quiet, again, but only because there was one final push to get the brewery up and running and the beer production flowing, and flowing it most certainly is!

You know when you get a new pair of shoes, they feel all weird for a few days and then like magic they are just amazingly comfy and you completely forget how uncomfortable your old ones were. Well, that's where we are at with our new brewery! 12 brews in, production is rolling and brewing 2000 litres of beer at a time feels like the norm. Time spent in the old brewery seems like an age ago, although I don't think we'll forget using stainless kegs as office chairs in such a hurry!

Anyway, we've been flat out since we first fired up the new brew kit, let's take a look at what's been keeping us so busy.

Core Strength

We've moved, improved and upgraded our brewing process so that we can keep delivering our core range at an even higher standard than before! Not to worry though, yes we've changed the brew kit but our core range recipes will remain the same and taste just as awesome as they did on the old kit, with the exception of one.

Yes, folks we're raising a glass to West Coast Rocks and saying farewell to an excellent brew, but before you reach for the tissues please extend a warm welcome to a brand new beer, Hang Ten!

Hang Ten is our new Welsh Red Ale and it will be joining the ranks of our core range, which is now available in cask, keg and bottles. It's a super smooth, full-bodied ale filled with more hoppy goodness than you can shake a stick at!

You may have also noticed that Hang Ten is sporting a brand new label design. That's right, we've re-designed all our labels for a fresh look as part of our re-launching of the core range. We hope you like them as much as we do. If you like tasty label designs then these are just a little appetiser for what's to come, especially from our range of canned beers. Speaking of which....


Can you do the Cancan?

Nothing says refreshment like a short sharp hiss followed by that hollow metallic crunch just before you tuck into a perfectly chilled can of beer! Oh Yeah! We are now producing a range of canned brews and if that wasn't exciting enough one of the first two brews that we'll be canning is another brand-new recipe! Please welcome to the ring, Paradiso and Hammerhead.

Pretty in pink, there's Paradiso. Our brand new, pillowy soft, juice bomb of a session strength New England Pale. Blending the soft mouthfeel and juicy hop flavours of the popular Vermont style IPA with the lightness and quaffability of a session pale.

In the blue corner, we welcome back Hammerhead our heavyweight IPA. A big strong, dank, tropical, grapefruit IPA that will grab you by the tongue and drag you into unknown depths of flavour.

Hammerhead should be available in cans from the 20/04/2018 onwards and Paradiso will be available in cans very shortly. Both beers are available in keg at this very moment if you simply can’t wait to get your hands on them.


Dancing with the Devil

We've been so excited about our new brewery that we couldn't wait to share it with some friends and who better to share it with than Crafty Devil from Cardiff! Together we came up with a fiendishly good recipe, for our 11th brew day, called "Between the Devil and The Deep Blue Sea". A 3%ABV table beer that's double dry hopped with Centennial for an amazing citrus hit. We all had a wonderful day making this super sessionable brew and we can't wait to head to Cardiff to brew it on Crafty Devils kit!

Our collaborative efforts won't stop there either. We'll be teaming up with more of our favourite breweries, throughout 2018 and beyond to make many more delicious brews.


This is just a tribute

Speaking of teamwork, we've teamed up with the RNLI and made yet another new recipe (I know, right?). This one's an Extra Special Bitter with an Australian twist. A rich, smooth and familiar set of flavours, but with a tropical twist, but that's not even the best bit. Get this, 10% of profits made on this brew will be donated to the RNLI because we want to recognize the hugely important role that they play in keeping our beaches and coastline safe. The beer is called Local Hero, in honour of all the local heroes who volunteer for the RNLI.


Out with the old

At the same time as embracing our shiny new stainless brewery, we waved a bittersweet goodbye to our former brewhouse. It has been sold to an aspiring brewer who is setting up a brewery in Sandbanks, Dorset. We found some comfort in the fact that it will still be brewing by the beach, albeit an inferior one, and hope that it will do so for many years to come.


In with the new

Expanding our capacity has meant that we have had to find new staff, taking us up to a grand total of 6! We have taken on an Assistant Brewer, a Sales Manager and a Brewery Assistant. Don’t worry, we’ll make sure that we introduce everyone very soon!


Keep your eyes peeled for the next blog update, as they will be turning up more regularly from now on, honest